Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Mill of Nethermill Cairn

In 2019, a plaque was placed the Mill of Nethermill that celebrated the bridge being in existence for over 300 years. This bridge was built by the Bairds and the Gardens in 1719, and it was the first bridge that joined Aberdeenshire and Banffshire on the north coast. 

On July 6th, 2020, the plaque commemorating the bridge was finally united with its cairn. Many thanks to Bill and Lynn Pitt for so much hard work to get this last stage of setting the plaque in place.

The cairn is absolutely beautiful and so appropriate for our plaque, made of rock, like the cairns of the highlands of old (as you can see below). We can't wait to see it next summer for the Baird Gathering!

About: The Pictish Boar Blog

    The Clan Baird Society worldwide is an international organization that supports the research and preservation of Baird and Scottish cul...